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5-2-1-0 community partners share our belief that all children, families, and residents deserve a chance to lead healthier lives. Their support ensures access to environments and resources that support children, families, and residents' healthy habits. If your business is interested in collaborating with us,

please email

We would love to talk with you more.

5-2-1-0 Affiliates

LM!M Affiliates are businesses and organizations who commit to championing healthy options. As an Affiliate, you align yourself with 5-2-1-0 LM!M's efforts to create healthy environments where all Missoulians live, work, learn and play!

Midday Move Funders

Our History

The Missoula City- County Health Department adopted the initiative as 5-2-1-0 Let's Move! Missoula to organize projects, events, and partnerships within the Missoula area to promote positive lifestyle choices for children and adults. 

Contact Us
History of LM!M sept 2023.jpg

Contact Us:

Peggy Schmidt, she/her

Senior Community Health Specialist

(406) 258-3895

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